Artificial Intuition. A New Paradigm in Solving Complex Problems.
Artificial Intuition identifies problems in complex, critical systems and helps solve them. Before they materialise. In real time.
Highly complex systems are exposed to a new form of risk: complexity-induced risk.
Why Does Artificial Intuition Do?
Artificial Intuition analyses data from large, complex systems, infrastuctures or processes, pinpointing hidden fragility, discovering new critical knowledge and insights. Complex systems are inherently fragile and can fail in a multitude of ways. Artificial Intuition is able to map this fragility unlike any other tool and provide early warnings of malfunctions or faults before they materialise. The result is actionable information and concrete solutions, saving time, money and reputation. Without Machine Learning.
Highly complex systems can fail in a multitude of ways. often, not all failure modes are known.
How Does it Work?
Unlike Machine Learning techniques, Artificial Intuition processes raw data originating from one, specific system of interest. There is no need to resort to expensive GPUS for training. Besides, critical and expensive problems are not frequent enough to even allow for training. Often such problems are invisible. We are able to discover them.
Artificial Intuition is physics-based. We don’t guess solutions, by analysing myriads of ‘similar’ cases. Based on the actual dynamics of a system, we compute a specific solution for a specific case.
artificial intuition is also known as 4-th generation AI. it computes solutions based on complexity management technology, which combines physics and information theory.
Beyond Machine Learning
There are numerous circumstances in which there are not enough examples from which to learn, or simply because there is not enough time. In many cases one must make critical decisions on the fly as situations quickly change, like on a battlefield on in states of emergency and crisis. Sometimes a sudden problem doesn’t fit any known pattern, yet a decision must be made.
in numerous contexts there are not enough examples from which to learn. in such cases conventional ai cannot be used, yet one still needs to make decisions.
Need Resilience?
To increase resilience it is necessary to find fragility hotspots. Artificial Intuition does precisely that. Knowing where and why fragilities may develop can help engineer better, resilient products.
This is a pressing issue in complex hi-tec products which are software-heavy and packed with electronics.
certain critical, highly expensive systems must be resilient because they operate in harsh environments. in such cases resilience means survivability.
Know YOUR Black Swans
Your worst-case scenarios can change with time. Do you know them all? Can a good strategy exist without knowing what the worst case looks like?
Artificial Intuition computes worst-case scenarios and helps prioritise actions when under pressure or in a crisis.
based on data specific to your system we can identify your black swan scenarios and help you prepare to face them if the need arises.
Artificial Intuition is Used in DoD, DHS and FAA Programs
Our Artificial Intuition is used in technology development programs with the DoD, DHS and FAA.
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