Artificial Inuition is a new paradigm in data analysis, problem solving and anomaly detection and is powered by our proprietary Quantitative Complexity Management (QCM) technology. When QCM identifies a problem it provides a detailed, quantitative breakdown of its potential causes. This means 100% Explainability.

Artificial Inuition has

No Need For Machine Learning

There is no need to produce thousands of examples and to hardwire them into a system that, ultimately, guesses the solution. This is a huge advantage over mainstream AI.


Because there is no need for training, there is no training bias. And if conditions change, there is no need for additional training. The bottom line is that:

Artificial Intuition is Very Fast

Moreover, because the is no need to resort to expensive Machine Learning, Artificial Intuition consumes very little energy and runs on standard hardware. It can run in real-time.

Finally, the key characteristic of this technology is that:

Artificial Intuition is Physics-based

This means that solutions are computed, analysing data from a particular system, not obtained by analogy, comparing thousands of similar cases and extrapolating the answer. This approach guarantees full explainability. And when it comes to detecting anomalies, Artificial Intuition can detect those that have never been seen before. In the training phase, Conventional AI needs to know the answer that corresponds to a given input. But what if you face unknown circumstances? Read blog by CISCO.


Find out more in our blog.