Ontonix and CISCO Sign Agreement

Como, October 21-st 2014. Ontonix announces agreement with CISCO in order to explore the application of its QCM (Quantitative Complexity Management) technology in various areas, ranging from Critical Infrastructure Protection, with a specific product called Critical Network Complexity Analysis System (CNCAS), to Situation Support Systems (S3 Project), as well as developing R&D activities within the Quantum Electronics context. In the case of critical infrastructure protection, the primary objective is to anticipate situations of potential systemic collapse, monitoring national and critical infrastructures (ICT, transportation, supplies, etc.). In the field of Quantum Electronics the focus shall be on the implementation of Qnet (Quantum Net) functional upgrades such as Quantum Computers and Quantum Cryptography. The parties also intend to define a Bundle Proposition, integrating Ontonix´s OntoNet QCM engine with CISCO´s products.


Cisco (NASDAQ: CSCO) is the worldwide leader in IT that helps companies seize the opportunities of tomorrow by proving that amazing things can happen when you connect the previously unconnected. Cisco has a revenue of over $48 billion, more than 74000 employees and owns more than 17000 patents. For more information visit website.

Dr. Jacek Marczyk

Visionary, ex rocket scientist, businessman and writer with over 35 years of experience in QUANTITATIVE large-scale Uncertainty and Complexity Management in diverse fields (manufacturing, finance, economics).

Author of ten books on simulation, uncertainty and complexity management, rating.

Developed in mid 90s the theory of eigenvalue orbits, a generalization of the concept of eigenvalue.

In 2000-2005 has developed the first Quantitative Complexity Theory (QCT), including a comprehensive measure of complexity.

Founded Ontonix Complexity Management in 2005 in the USA and launched in 2006 the first commercial system for MEASURING and managing complexity: OntoSpace.


In 2009 developed real-time technology to measure the complexity and stability of patients during operation or permanence in Intensive Care Units.


Developed a new theory of risk and rating published in 2009 in a book entitled "A New Theory of Risk and Rating".

Over last decade develops quantitative complexity management (QCM) technology and solutions for applications in economics, finance, Risk Rating and Management as well as in Asset Management and medicine. In the past five years works towards the democratization of ratings.