Our Services
Problem Definition
When facing highly complex systems, or processes, it is difficult to even define the nature of a problem. The more complex the scenario the more difficult it becomes to describe it and to identify on what one should focus. This is particularly true of complex manufacturing/process plants. In the context of Industry 4.0 we can help identify, define and solve problems with tens of thousands of variables, without the need to resort to Machine Learning. More.
Customized Early-Warnings
We produce early warnings of anomalies in highly complex high-tech products, manufacturing processes, networks, batteries, traffic systems, machinery, where many things can go wrong.
Our system does not require examples from which to learn. Our technology goes beyond Machine Learning. Sometimes, there are no examples to learn from. More.
Fragility Monitoring and Management
OntoNetâ„¢ monitors systems in real-time and pinpoints complexity and fragility hotspots in:
- Manufacturing and processing plants
- Automobiles, aircraft, spacecraft, ships
- ICT networks, Critical Infrastructures
How Bad Can It Get?
Complexity monitoring produces a unique outcome of paramount importance: quantitative information about the worst-case scenario.
The critical state, which is known as critical complexity, is not a state of equilibrium. This means that the worst-case scenario is in a state of permanent mutation. Can one build a solid strategy without knowing what the worst case looks like? More.
Data Quality Assessment
We measure data quality, conditioning, and degree of disorder (chaoticity). We determine a ranking of key variables and sources of fragility of the entire data set. We process time and frequency domain data as well as spatially distributed data.
It is necessary to dispose of high-quality data in order to engage Ontonix. More.
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